The Blog.
Gain Deeper Perspective.
I have always been reaching for something I could not have.
First, it was my mother.
She existed, but only in the margins of my life, a ghost pressed between sealed records and the hushed voices of adults who decided what was best. I was placed in new arms, and they told themselves I would never notice the absence, as if love could be reassigned like a change of address.
But I noticed. I have spent my whole life noticing.
Later, it was nature.
I love nature the way a child loves a mother th...
Here’s the thing about relationships. They’re messy. They’re beautiful, but they are often messy. And in this world, this fast-moving, judgmental world, we’ve been taught a lot about how to exit a relationship, how to cut people off, how to draw a hard line in the sand and say, “No more. I’m done.” What we aren’t often taught is how to stay — how to repair what’s broken when the rupture happens, and how to heal.
And trust me, it will happen. I wish I could tell you otherwise, but the truth is, ...
What is Complex Developmental Trauma?
Complex developmental trauma (C-PTSD) refers to the long-term effects of chronic, repeated exposure to trauma during critical developmental stages, typically in childhood. Unlike a single traumatic event (such as a car accident), complex trauma often involves ongoing experiences like emotional neglect, physical or emotional abuse or neglectful caregiving over an extended period. These repeated adversities disrupt the normal development of emotional, psychol...
Burnout doesn’t just happen overnight. It often results from repeated violations of our boundaries – sometimes by others, sometimes by ourselves. When we’ve spent years ignoring the signals our body gives us, saying “yes” when we really mean “no,” or taking on too much to keep the peace, our nervous system can spiral into exhaustion. From a Somatic Experiencing® (SE) perspective, the path to reclaiming vitality and sovereignty begins with re-establishing our connection to the body and learning t...
Sandplay Therapy for Adults:Â A Powerful Tool for Healing and Transformation
When people think of Sandplay Therapy, they may picture children building castles, digging moats and playing with toys in a sandtray. While it’s true that Sandplay is a powerful tool for helping children process emotions and experiences, this modality is not just for kids. In fact, Sandplay can be profoundly transformative for adults, offering a unique and non-verbal way to access and heal deep layers of the psyche tha...
In our fast-paced, logic-driven world, we often overlook the profound ways in which connection heals us. Beyond words, beyond rational thought, there exists a deeply intuitive and nonverbal form of communication - what we call right-brain to right-brain connection. This type of relational exchange has the power to bring us back to safety, to ourselves and to each other.
What Is Right-Brain to Right-Brain Connection?
Right-brain to right-brain connection is a direct, emotional exchange between ...
In our quest for somatic sovereignty, one fundamental aspect often overlooked is the concept of safety. Understanding how safety impacts our well-being is crucial for effective healing and personal growth. By examining insights from Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, Bessel van der Kolk’s trauma research, Rick Hanson’s practical neuroscience approach and wisdom from leader in somatic healing, Prentis Hemphill, we can appreciate the intricate relationship between safety, connection and healing.
"An emotional disturbance can be dealt with by giving it visible shape" - Carl Jung
In our journey toward healing and self-discovery, Jungian Sandplay Therapy offers a profound and Self-activating experience that resonates deeply with the natural world. At the heart of this therapeutic approach lies sand, an ancient and timeless element that serves as a bridge between earth and water. As we engage with sand, we enter a realm that is not only fluid and malleable but also calming and grounding.
"To be truly liberated, we must confront the parts of ourselves that are in a hidden alliance with the systems that seek to destroy us." - Cole Arthur Riley
For centuries, Western culture has been shaped by a theory that has deeply affected how we view ourselves, our bodies and our capacity for sovereignty. This theory is rooted in the 17th-century philosophy of René Descartes, a French philosopher whose ideas about the separation of mind and body have had a lasting - and problematic - im...
In the world of somatic therapy and trauma healing, the phrase “State creates Story” by Deb Dana resonates deeply. This quote encapsulates a profound truth about the relationship between our physiological state and the narratives we build about our lives. Essentially, it means that our body’s state—how we physically and emotionally feel—shapes the stories we tell ourselves and experience.
The Science Behind State and Story
Our body is constantly sending signals to our brain through a network o...
As womxn, our journey into sovereignty often involves reclaiming the boundaries and consent that were taken from us in childhood or lost along the way. Whether through overt or subtle means, many of us learned to silence our inner voice, to put the needs of others before our own, or to go along with situations that didn’t feel right in order to keep the peace or to gain a sense of 'false belonging'.
When we speak about boundaries and consent, we are talking about our power to say “yes” and “no” w...
As humans, we are shaped by two core needs: safety and freedom. These needs often seem to pull us in opposite directions, creating a paradox that can feel overwhelming and confusing. On one hand, we long to feel safe and secure—rooted in relationships, environments and practices that make us feel held. On the other hand, there is a deep, intrinsic yearning for freedom—freedom to express our true selves, to explore the world and to expand into the fullness of who we are.
In the Jungian world, we u...

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